I started this site to learn more about web development. It's an area I don't particularily enjoy (probably because of JavaScript) but the variety of technologies and protocols that run the internet are important foundational skills most infosec/cybersecurity professionals should probably have. I also wanted a place to publicly document some of my technical doings. I certainly DID NOT build this site from scratch. The good folks at Start Bootstrap provided this template for me. I have edited to my liking and learned some basic HTML, CSS, PHP, and even a little JavaScript in the process.
I follow infosec Twitter and my public Github is mostly PowerShell hacking (plus a lot of gist notes). I have private repositories for university coursework in some other languages (mostly C, C++, and Python).
All the uploaded photos have been published in 2600 magazine. I've been fortunate to see a decent chunk of the world and take these. My colored pencil artwork is a hobby that I'll occassionaly dabble in. I've included these things in an attmpt to make the site slightly more diverse.